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    La Niña 結果共8筆

  • La Niña could bring hotter summer, fewer typhoons to Taiwan

    Discover the latest on Taiwan’s weather outlook: fewer typhoons than average in the northwest Pacific this year, with a La Niña phenomenon indicating a hotter summer ahead. Stay informed on the CWA’s predictions and preparations for the typhoon season.
  • Taiwan braces for fewer typhoons in 2024, CWB reports

    Discover the Central Weather Bureau’s forecast for Taiwan, predicting two to four typhoons from June to November, a figure that’s below average to normal. Learn about the impact of El Niño and La Niña on typhoon formation and Taiwan’s preparation for potential water conservation and disaster prevention measures.
    2024/06/25 15:20
  • Experts predict La Niña onset, warn of closer typhoons

    Discover how the shift from El Niño to La Niña will impact Taiwan and the Western Pacific’s weather, with insights from Dr. Lin De-en and the U.S. Climate Prediction Center. Expect changes in typhoon activity, rainfall, and temperatures.
    2024/05/29 12:05
  • Taiwan braces for plum rain season’s first front

    Explore how Taiwan is preparing for the plum rain season with the expected arrival of weather fronts that could bring increased humidity and showers. Understand the implications of potential La Niña conditions and stay updated on climate change impacts.
    2024/04/30 18:11
  • La Niña likely to shape Taiwan’s climate in 2024

    Lin Te-en predicts a high chance of La Niña in 2024, potentially affecting Taiwan’s weather with fewer typhoons, altered rainfall patterns, and cooler temperatures, based on a U.S. study.
    2024/04/22 15:26
  • El Niño to bring stronger, longer-lasting typhoons: Experts

    The weather phenomenon has shifted from La Niña to El Niño, significantly impacting typhoon formation. Research by the European Union shows that typhoon probability decreases during El Niño, but their intensity increases.
    2023/07/26 16:54
  • 暖化釀蟲害!加州無人機殺蚊 蜱蟲季提早報到

    聯合國世界氣象組織(WMO)警告,連續三年的反聖嬰現象(La Niña)在今年3月結束,接下來全球各地都可能打破高溫紀錄,升溫對環境的衝擊還包括各種蟲害,美國的蜱蟲季提早報到,因為暖冬讓更多蜱蟲沒有被低溫凍死,被叮咬很可能會染上萊姆病;剛經歷過多雨冬天的加州,大量積水讓蚊子軍團在春天一口氣爆發,官方派出無人機噴灑專門的殺蟲劑,在非住宅區噴灑,強調成分對環境友善,不會傷害其他生物,而且無人機的效率更高。
    2023/05/08 19:54
  • 致災性氣候恐到來!美預報冬季「反聖嬰」機率高達87%

    全球極端氣候越來越頻繁,美國氣候預報中心(Climate Prediction Center,CPC)於14日指出,這個冬季會有87%的機率出現「反聖嬰現象」(La Niña),這很有可能會導致美國加州與南美洲出現嚴重乾旱,美國及日本部分地區冬季會出現嚴寒。
    2021/10/15 14:01
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